SEND in Mainstream Schools

A six-module programme exploring the key recommendations of the EEF SEND in Mainstream Schools Guidance Report, with coaching and network support.

For SENDCos, Inclusion Leads and Senior Leaders

Co-led by

  • Whole School SEND
  • Harris City Academy Crystal Palace Teaching School Hub
  • Greenshaw Research School

What’s the purpose of the programme?

We know that the numbers of pupils with a diagnosed learning need is rising. We also know that the attainment gap for these pupils is wider than for disadvantaged pupils. It is vital, therefore, that teachers and school leaders are equipped with the knowledge and skills to meet pupil needs and promote more equitable outcomes.

This two-year programme supports SENDCOs, Inclusion Leads and Senior Leaders to explore and understand the evidence and to implement change in their settings. Six facilitated sessions in Year 1 are followed by coaching and networking support in Year 2


The two-year programme costs £300 per participant. Subsidised places are available to some schools, depending on levels of disadvantage. To find out more and check eligibility please contact us on

Click HERE to apply now for January 2024 start

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